Jemima Kirke was well and truly shook when she realized she had to film love scenes with Jamie Dornan

Jemima Kirke was well and truly shaken when she realized she had to shoot love scenes with Jamie Dornan

Even when asked about it now, she struggles to string a sentence together.

WHEN MOST ACTORS discuss lvev scenes, they usually describe them as child’s play.

Even the most awkward love scenes we see in movies are usually filmed in a cold, repetitive, and boring way that doesn’t phase the actors involved. Over the years, we’ve seen interviewers lean in, ready to gossip about love scenes, only to be told by the actor they’re chatting with that it’s as mundane as the interaction you’re having. with the guy behind the till when you pinch into Spar to get some milk.

When Jemima Kirke and her sister Lola went on Busy Tonight (the talk show hosted by Busy Phillips), the three of them sat down drinking cocktails (as guests often do on this show) and discussing the movie which the two sisters worked on. with Jamie Dornan and Billy Crystal, titled Untogether.

Busy touched on the subject of Jemima’s love scenes in the film.

Jemima, you play alongside Jamie Dornan and you had some f**king hot scenes with him. Was it intimidating getting into those scenes with Jamie Dornan?

Jemima, who’s pretty well seasoned when it comes to on-screen romance and nudity thanks to her tenure on Lena Dunham’s Girls series, said working with Jamie Dornan was a totally different experience than anything she’s ever seen. she had done before. Struggling to hide how scarlet she looked, she explained:

As for her appearance… I never imagined… I’ve never been in this situation. You know, with someone – like I’ve never… It’s just… I’m not… I can’t… I don’t know that… With someone who looks like that. It’s just that I really had to put myself in a way… I had to do a lot of work.

Stuttering through the question she definitely should have expected, poor Jemima finally decided to say it was so hard because he “looks like a sculpture”. The actress said one particular scene, in which Dornan was shown performing oral sex on her character, seemed far too real for her. And then she remembered…

Sure. Fifty shades. He knows what he’s doing. He was just very close.

Busy tried to calm the situation by turning to Jemima’s sister, Lola, and asking her about a love scene she had during the film. “And you had a really nice scene with Billy Crystal?” He looks adorable.

Jemima Kirke was well and truly shaken when she realized she had to shoot love scenes with Jamie Dornan


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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