Harry and William: why they did not cry at the funeral of their mother Diana

In the documentary Diana: the seven days that followed her death, which will be broadcast on France 5, Monday September 5, William and Harry returned to the death of their mother, and in particular the funeral during which they refused to cry .

Sad birthday. Twenty-five years ago, to the day, on the night of August 30 to 31, 1997, Lady Diana was the victim of a terrible car accident under the Alma bridge in Paris. Accident which will cost him his life a few hours later at the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital. A real tragedy for her sons, William and Harry, who showed immense courage on the day of their mother’s funeral, Saturday September 6, 1997. The two princes, then aged fifteen and twelve, attended the procession which led the coffin from Kensington Palace to Westminster Abbey, where a ceremony was held attended by thousands of English mourners. Ceremony broadcast live on television.

“I looked at the flowers, I looked at the cards. I was very touched but I could not read anything, ”commented Prince William, in the documentary Diana: the seven days that followed his death, which will be broadcast on France 5, Monday September 5. And to add: “I was just repeating to myself that I had lost my mother. And that I would have liked to be somewhere else. “Reading the fiery statements from complete strangers was very strange. It seemed like people were almost expecting us to share their grief,” Prince Harry added. At Lady Di’s funeral, neither shed a tear. A desire difficult to respect.

“With Harry, despite our young age, we understood the meaning of family duty”

“In this kind of circumstance, in order not to crack in public, you have to force yourself to take a very serious expression and you have to stick to it, otherwise you collapse,” explained William explaining why they did not want to cry ” With Harry, despite our young age, we understood the sense of family duty. ” When I look back on all of this, I’m glad I didn’t cry in public because there is a very fine line between the grief expressed in public when you perform and private heartbreak,” Meghan’s husband Markle added. “If someone tried to make me cry in public, I couldn’t. I probably still can’t. All these events have changed me. They forged it.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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