Distressing Chelsy for Meghan Markle’s Sake

Prince Harry is facing harsh criticism for publicly discussing his past relationship with Chelsy Davy, essentially airing their private affairs for all to see. Although Chelsy is now married and a mother, Prince Harry is accused of delving into the intricacies of their affair.

Notably, royal commentator Petronella Wyatt came forward with these allegations against Prince Harry. In a report by The Telegraph, Ms Wyatt highlights how Chelsy Davy is now leading a different life, having moved on and started a family.

She wonders if Prince Harry, who experiences life’s ups and downs intensely, ever considered the potential distress that revisiting their past relationship could cause Chelsy, who, unlike Meghan, chose to stay away. away from public spotlights.

Ms Wyatt further wonders if Prince Harry even bothered to consult Chelsy before taking legal action. According to a family friend, it seems not.

This lack of consideration, as Ms Wyatt pointed out, casts a negative eye on Prince Harry, making him appear more reckless than chivalrous when it comes to sharing details of his personal relationships with women.

Ultimately, Ms Wyatt concludes that Prince Harry’s persistent appeal that no one really understands his emotions is insufficient. She affirms her own understanding of his feelings, addressing him directly saying, “Well, Harry, boy, I do.”


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