Dishonesty, Slander & Indiscriminate Adultery

In a shocking revelation, Lady C revealed Diana’s true nature, which includes elements of dishonesty, slander and wanton adultery. Diana and Lady C were originally collaborating on a book together.

However, it became apparent to Lady C that Diana did not want an honest portrayal, but rather aimed for a one-sided propaganda piece, criticizing Charles with a mixture of truths and lies. Not wanting to be part of such a project, Lady C decided to withdraw and Diana turned to Andrew Morton for her book.

Lady C went on to work on her own book, titled “Diana in Private” or something similar. Several years later, Diana and Lady C have reconciled their differences. Diana expressed regret for Andrew Morton’s book, where she aired her grievances and laid out personal details about the Royal Family.

One aspect she particularly regretted was the claim that she threw herself down after Diana’s death. Lady C wrote another book called “The Real Diana”, which clarified and updated information from her previous work.

During her pregnancy with William, Diana tripped and fell, but there were no major issues at the time. Doctors examined her and others were present to witness the incident. However, in Andrew Morton’s book, which was on his own initiative and collaboration, Diana falsely claimed that she threw herself down.

She did it to highlight her plight, much like Meghan’s claim to be suicidal later in life. Over time, Diana became wracked with guilt over the lie and the implication that she wanted to hurt William, eventually admitting to fabricating the story.

Diana struggled with an eating disorder from before her marriage to after her separation. The condition worsened during her pregnancy with Harry. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what and when she knew about Camilla, but it’s important to note that she did indeed shape the content of Andrew Morton’s book. It contained his propaganda, including many lies and one-sided versions of events.

The claim that Charles maintained a sexual relationship with Camilla throughout his marriage came directly from Diana herself. However, numerous sources, including Charles’ police protection officer at the time, have contradicted this. Regardless of whether or not they had a sexual relationship, Charles and Camilla enjoyed a friendship and he called her often. Camilla served as emotional support for Charles, which understandably made Diana jealous.

Charles was tactless after Harry was born, allegedly expressing the desire for a daughter. However, that alone would not be enough to disrupt a happy marriage. Diana’s comment on their happiest times during her pregnancy with Harry was based purely on her perspective. By then she had already engaged in an affair, which cannot be considered the benchmark of a happy marriage. However, it’s possible they briefly turned a corner during this time.

I don’t intend to draw a direct comparison between Diana and Meghan, as that would imply that Diana was certainly flexible with the truth. However, it should be noted that Diana had a knack for manipulating the truth to her advantage, especially in her writing following the breakdown of her marriage. The Royal Family chose to remain silent, never complaining or explaining, which allowed Diana’s version of events to prevail, especially after her untimely death.

Lady C, although a monarchist, is not particularly a fan of Charles as a person and has frequently criticized him on her YouTube channel. In her book, she maintains a critical stance, providing a well-researched and documented account. She interviewed many people, whose names she lists on several pages, to gather information.

What is clear from the book is that Diana had a very needy, demanding, and controlling side to her personality. Lady C acknowledges that she loved Diana but also acknowledged her negative traits. The book offers a balanced perspective and is based on extensive sources and research.

Similarities can be drawn between Diana and Meghan, though Meghan’s actions seem to be over the scale. Diana prevented Charles from seeing certain friends and pursuing particular hobbies. She even fired several staff members and forced Charles to get rid of his dog. Meghan wanted constant attention and privacy, often expecting Charles to spend all his time with her in bed, regardless of the amount of work Charles had to handle.

Charles is criticized for being a distant father, but in reality Diana often pushed him away. For example, he was criticized for playing polo shortly after Harry was born, but Diana told him to stop fussing, leave them alone and claimed the baby didn’t need two mothers.

Diana had a strong inclination towards sex and engaged in many affairs, including one with the King of Spain. She and Charles even stayed with the King and his wife on vacation, where their indiscretions were blatant. Towards the end of her life, Diana had several one-night stands with men she met at her gym. His affairs led to the breakdown of at least two marriages.

Diana demonstrated a childlike need and an insatiable need for love and affection. Although Charles is accused of being cold and emotionless, it becomes clear that no man can ever fill the void inside her, a result of her difficult childhood and her mother’s sense of abandonment.

While Diana seemed natural in public office, it is alleged that she actually hated it, often expressing nervousness and complaints. She refused to read briefing materials about the visits, similar to Meghan’s refusal to learn the necessary protocols when she became royal. Diana’s behavior was petulant, although somewhat more understandable in a 20-year-old than a 36-year-old.

From the very beginning, Diana gained immense popularity. No surprise, because she was new, young, beautiful, glamorous, warm and charming. Jealousy among other members of the royal family was undoubtedly present, exacerbated by Diana intentionally changing the standards of royal behavior with the public.

The Royal Family perceived Diana as actively seeking attention once the marriage began to falter. She skillfully manipulated the press to leak stories and arrange photographs to suit her desires. While the Royal Family also engaged in a counter-briefing, the media largely favored Diana as her stories sold newspapers.

Intense competition regarding parenthood existed, with children being used to some extent as pawns. Informally, Diana and Charles separated long before their formal separation. Diana often made it difficult for Charles to spend time with the children, frequently changing plans at the last minute when they were supposed to be with him.

While Diana presented herself as a great mother through photographs and stories, the reality was that both parents were wrapped up in their own love lives, dramas and busy schedules. After their official split, Charles spent more structured time with the children, while Diana spent less time with them in their later years as they attended boarding schools and had various vacation arrangements.

Understanding Diana’s character is quite enlightening, as it sheds light on current issues involving Harry. Harry seems obsessed with the Andrew Morton version of Diana rather than the real Diana. He blames Charles and Camilla for everything while absolving his mother of any wrongdoing. He seems to have buried a lot of anger he can harbor towards his mother, moving it onto his father.

Harry holds the royal family responsible for abandoning his mother, but it was Diana who filed for separation and divorce, making their lives increasingly difficult and spreading malicious gossip to force their hand. For example, she persuaded one of Charles’ former servants, who was gay and dying of AIDS, to falsely claim that Charles was gay. Secret recordings of phone calls from this period, made by both sides, were manipulative and underhanded.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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