Diana’s Presence Looms Over Harry and William’s Rift

A royal expert deciphers the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William. Prince Harry and Prince William’s relationship isn’t as horrible as it’s often portrayed, according to an expert.

According to royal author Clive Irving, the brothers are friendly although there are rumors that they cannot stand each other’s company. “I suspect it has nothing to do with [Harry and William’s relationship] as bad as it’s often portrayed,” he told the Daily Express US. However, Diana is the link. She still seems to loom large over this whole divide.”

Irving states that “William tries to be both” and that “there is always a clear divide between the Windsors and the Spencers, and Harry is undoubtedly a Spencer”. He tries to be both a Spencer and a Windsor, and he succeeds greatly in being the former but not the latter.

It comes after expert Jennie Bond revealed that Prince Harry is much more similar to the ‘Spencer’ gene he inherited from Princess Diana.

“I think Harry really is the Spencer of the two,” Ms. Bond remarked.

“William is the Windsor,” the woman continued. Ms Bond went on to say: “Harry is fiery, he is brash, he is vulnerable, he is fragile, just like Diana was.”


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