Controversial! Lady Gaga was vomited by the girl who accompanied her on stage.

Controversial! Lady Gaga was vomited by the girl accompanying her on stage.

Wow. This time it wasn’t some weird outfit that caught people’s attention. However, the controversial stage action when Lady Gaga asked a woman to put vomit on her face. Repugnant? Check out the photo here.

Throughout her career we have witnessed Lady Gaga’s various extravagances, such as when she dressed in a raw meat dress to attend the MTV Video Music Awards gala in 2010. Still, the singer went further, to the point of agreeing that in the middle of a concert, they vomit on him.

Gaga was performing the song Swine (Pig), from her latest album ARTROP at the SXSW Festival held in Austin, Texas, when a mysterious girl, who throughout the performance had been drinking green liquid on stage, s approached the singer to vomit all the liquid she had ingested.

The shocking event was part of the “performance”. Millie Brown is the name of the girl who regurgitated on the singer and she’s an artist known for drinking paint cocktails and then throwing them on a canvas and creating art.

Controversial!  Lady Gaga was vomited by the girl accompanying her on stage.

The peculiarity of this performance did not please some and the reactions to the eschatological spectacle were not long in coming. Demi Lovato expressed her displeasure on Twitter, making it clear that she did not agree with the use of this type of provocation. Sad … As if we weren’t enough to rave about people with eating disorders. Simply put, it’s not at all “cool” or “artistic,” she said via Twitter.

The actress, who took the Lady Gaga event as a game with eating disorders, sees it as despicable. And the point is, if there’s anyone who understands these things, it’s Demi, who had already pissed her off publicly in 2011, and she’s definitely not okay with her playing. with that kind of thing.

In response to messages of annoyance and disapproval expressed by Demi Lovato, the woman who threw up Lady Gaga said there was a “distinct difference” between her performance art and the eating disorder. [bulimia] and insisted that she had no intention of offending anyone when she vomited. “There is a clear difference between using my body to create something beautiful, to express myself, instead of using it to punish myself and conform to the norms of society,” she said.

Meanwhile, Lady Gaga – who has also struggled with this type of disorder in the past – has made it clear via Twitter that she is turning a deaf ear to the criticisms that may arise from the curious shows of her. “ARTPOP is a creative rebellion. I make my own rules,” she writes.


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