Buying Press Forward, Funded by Pierre Omidyar, for Media Influence

The Sussex Archewell Foundation’s recent acquisition of Press Forward, a media organization funded by Pierre Omidyar, has sparked concerns about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s unpredictable and hostile stance toward the royal family. Their previous remarks about the royal family have created a rift that Royal Insider Richard Fitz William says is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. He stressed that rebuilding trust between Prince Harry and the royal family could take years, especially given their recent actions.

One particular incident which added to tensions was the timing of their announcement that they had not received an invitation to King Charles’s 75th birthday celebrations, which coincided with the king’s first speech opening Parliament as monarch. The future of this strained relationship remains uncertain and depends in part on the outcome of the ongoing trials against Harry.

Rumors have also swirled about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s potential interest in buying the Telegraph newspaper, with speculation they could join a bidding consortium. Notably, Harry was seen sitting next to billionaire Ken Griffin at a recent Katy Perry concert, which is part of a bidding consortium for the Telegraph. However, Harry’s involvement in the consortium has not yet been confirmed.

The Telegraph is known for its conservative editorial stance and traditional values, catering primarily to the middle and upper classes in the United Kingdom. If it were to be acquired by American interests, its editorial focus could change, which could affect its readership.

Additionally, the Sussex Foundation’s acquisition of Press Forward allowed Meghan Markle to exercise control over her public relations through social media. The foundation’s ties to Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, which also supports Press Forward, have raised questions about Harry’s intentions in his actions against the media. This includes its involvement in BetterUp, which has contracts with the US military and raises concerns about its use of resources to potentially influence media narratives.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s recent actions and acquisitions have generated much attention and debate, with critics calling them hypocrites for suing British media over privacy issues while engaging in projects related to media in the United States.


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