Brooke Shields reclaims anger over Barbara Walters’ teen s*xual questions

Brooke Shields recently opened up about her experience of inappropriate questions about her sexuality by Barbara Walters during an interview in 1981. At the time, Shields was just 15 and had previously been the subject of comments about her appearance and his body. as a child actor and teenage model.

Looking back on the interview now, Shields describes it as “practically criminal because it’s not journalism” and finds it “maddening”. Walters asked Shields about her measures and about her mother, who was accused of profiting from her daughter’s sexualization at a young age.

Shields also opened up about her famous Calvin Klein jeans campaign, which received both praise and criticism. She admits to being naive about the sexual innuendo in the ad and says she didn’t think it was about underwear or sexual in nature. Shields is currently working on a documentary about her early career, much like the filmmakers did with Britney Spears and Brittany Murphy.

Brooke Shields Recovers Her Anger Over Barbara Walters Teen's Sexual Questions

Despite the controversy surrounding the interview and the campaign, Shields believes the campaign was successful and the controversy ultimately backfired. Shields’ story is far from over and it looks like there are more chapters to come.


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