Meghan Markle revisited Justice for Girls, a Canadian charity focused on helping underprivileged teenage girls. She had previously been involved with the group in 2020. Meghan visited the charity’s Vancouver office on Tuesday. Jessica Lake and Lori Thompson, representatives of the Lake Family’s All One Fund, joined her and a group of women for a deliberation on the organization’s charitable efforts. Meghan chose to wear a white ensemble for the event.
Justice for Girls was founded to advocate for the physical and mental well-being of adolescent girls living in conditions of poverty. The organization’s official website states that it aims to grant individuals access to equality, freedom from violence and liberation from colonialism. The non-profit organization posted Meghan’s visit on Instagram, showcasing important moments from the occasion.
Meghan, renowned for her early commitment to women’s rights, participated in conversations with two teenage interns during her visit. They openly discussed their individual struggles for justice. The organization’s legend emphasized its authentic and compassionate attitude, which made the girls feel recognized, encouraged and motivated. Justice for Girls also highlighted that during Meghan’s visit, participants engaged in discussions about the organization’s extensive efforts over the years to promote girls’ educational opportunities, protect them from violence, defend the rights indigenous people and advocate for environmental justice. Emphasis was placed on the importance of leadership among girls and young women.
Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that some critics saw this as another meticulously planned public relations maneuver staged by WME, largely in an effort to capture attention on camera. Meghan was criticized for not donating during her visit and for publicly displaying her diamonds. During Meghan’s previous visit in 2020, the group gave her a gold and diamond whale tail pendant, provided by a local Haida tribe jeweler.
Although Meghan’s recent visit was acclaimed for her active involvement with girls and the organization’s purpose, her detractors have expressed doubts about her dedication to women’s rights and philanthropic efforts, insinuating that her actions are often more theatrical than substantial. They argue that her predilection for muted hues during her tenure as a member of the royal family could have been a matter of personal choice rather than a requirement, as she persisted in wearing such colors even after her departure from the royal family. royal house.