A Reputation Boost or Break?

The highly anticipated Harry & Meghan documentary, titled ‘Harry & Meghan: An African Journey’, aired on October 20, 2019. The documentary aimed to give viewers an intimate look into the life of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as well as their royal tour of southern Africa. The documentary received mixed reviews from critics and audiences, with some praising it for its honesty and transparency, while others criticized it for being too selfish.

Transparency and authenticity

One of the main themes of the documentary was transparency and authenticity. Harry and Meghan spoke candidly about the struggles they have faced as senior royals, including media scrutiny and the toll it has had on their mental health. They also shared their passion for causes such as mental health, wildlife conservation and gender equality.

By being open and honest about their struggles and passions, Harry and Meghan were able to connect with their audience on a deeper level. They were no longer just royals, but rather real people with real issues and passions.

Public perception and opinion

While some viewers praised Harry and Meghan for their transparency and authenticity, others criticized them for being too selfish. Some felt the documentary was a calculated move to boost their public image and distract from negative media coverage.

It is important to note that public opinion can be fickle and constantly changing. One day Harry and Meghan might be praised for their honesty and openness, while the next they might be criticized for being attention-seeking or selfish. Ultimately, the documentary’s impact on their reputation will depend on how the public perceives it and how it fits into the larger narrative surrounding the couple.

Impact on the Royal Family

The documentary also had implications for the rest of the royal family. Speaking candidly about their struggles, Harry and Meghan challenged the traditional stoic and reserved image of the royal family. They showed that it’s okay to be vulnerable and honest about mental health issues and other challenges.

However, this new approach has also raised questions about the traditional role of the royal family and whether it should be closer and modern or retain its traditional image. The documentary also sparked a conversation about the role of the media in the lives of the royal family and its impact on their mental health.

Harry & Meghan’s documentary was mixed when it came to improving their reputation. Although he showed their authenticity and passion for important causes, he also had the potential to be seen as selfish or attention-seeking.

Ultimately, the documentary’s impact on Harry and Meghan’s reputation will depend on how it fits into the larger narrative surrounding the couple and the royal family as a whole. While this may have been a step forward in terms of openness and transparency, it has also raised questions about the traditional role of the royal family and the impact of the media on their lives.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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