Sarah’s Podcast Exposes Meghan Markle’s Painful Bond with Andy

Words of Wisdom from Sarah Ferguson: A little boost to Meghan Markle amid recent struggles. Prince Andrew’s ex-wife Sarah Ferguson has made a subtle remark that seems to be directed at Meghan Markle, saying no one wants to see a grumpy princess.

Originally, Ferguson offered this advice to his daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, but it seems his words could also apply to Meghan.

During an episode of her podcast, “T Talks With The Duchess and Sarah,” Ferguson shared etiquette tips and tricks, stressing the importance of smiling in the public eye. She said: “I always tell my daughters, when you’re out in public, smile. And if you don’t want to be polite, don’t go out in public, because nobody wants to see a grumpy princess. You don’t want to be polite. ‘ve heard that many times.

Coincidentally, Meghan Markle was recently spotted less than cheerful after news broke that her Archewell Audio podcast hadn’t been renewed for a second season on Spotify. Observers noted that she appeared tense on the Montecito outing without her husband and children.

It should be noted that Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, like Meghan, are not working members of the royal family. They have their own jobs and earn their own income. Ferguson, apart from teaching her daughters etiquette, was also one of the people who helped Meghan Markle take her first curtsey when meeting Queen Elizabeth.

Meghan, who was seen as a true princess by young girls, drew attention and even criticism from outspoken TV presenter Piers Morgan. Rumors of tension between Meghan and Sarah Ferguson surfaced when Meghan was introduced to the public through her relationship with Prince Harry. Some have speculated that Ferguson was unhappy with Meghan’s past relationships, particularly her association with Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein.

Although Meghan claims not to have known Andrew, some believe she may have bumped into him at Epstein’s parties, sparking further speculation about their relationship. Mainstream media reportedly possessed a photo of Meghan on a yacht with Prince Andrew, allegedly arranged by Ghislaine Maxwell.

While in Toronto, Meghan reportedly frequented New York to meet a friend and mentor, John Fitzpatrick, who introduced her to a different circle, separate from that of Marcus Anderson. These older, more discreet relationships have sparked curiosity and debate.

Despite the rumors and controversies surrounding Meghan, Sarah Ferguson’s advice is to maintain a positive attitude in the public eye, and her words seem relevant to those in the spotlight, including Meghan Markle.


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