Pastor Michael Todd Bio, Age, Wife, Kids, Net Worth, Book, Church

Pastor Michael Todd Photo

Biography of Pastor Michael Todd

That’s what you need to know about Pastor Michael Todd, an American pastor and writer. Oklahoma’s niece is currently the main pastor of the Church of the Transfiguration in Talsa, where she served with his wonderful wife Pastor Natalie Todd.

Todd is notable for his non-traditional, energy-efficient electric commercials. His church incorporates modern communication methods and the latest technologies in message delivery.

His sermons are usually described as the gospel of the New Generation as the first-class sermons that motivate and inspire most of the living generation. In his sermons, Michael Todd discusses the new energy involved in serving God with devotion, while still relating to recent and global trends.

Pastor Michael Todd Age – Birthday

Oklahoma-born Tulsa Michael Todd was born on November 16, 1986 and is 33 from 2019.

Pastor Michael Todd Wife

Pastor Todd has been married to his wife, Natalie Todd, since 2010. The couple lives in Talsa, Oklahoma. Together they are the parents of their three children.

Pastor Michael Todd Kids – Kids

Michael Todd and his wife Natalie are the parents of their three children. two daughters and a son. The daughters are Isabella Todd and Ava Todd, while the son is Michael Jr.

Pastor Michael Todd Net Worth

Pastor Todd is valued at an estimated net worth of $ 1 million. His career as a pastor is the main source of his income.

Pastor Michael Todd Church of the Transfiguration

Michael Todd began his career as the main pastor of Transformation Church. The Transformation Church is a dynamic, multinational, multicultural, non-religious ministry within the city of Talsa. In this church, Todd embraces the spirit of the radical, differentiated, progressive, technological church. However, the church was started in 2015 under the supervision of Pastor Bishop Gary McIntosh, who later commissioned Todds after 15 years of service.

Michael Todd grew up in the church and was always the best to succeed. With his main motivation and passion for presenting God to the lost and found to be transformed into Christ, Todd and his wife have an ambition to reach every part of the world.

Due to the efforts of Pastor Michael Todd, the church has surprisingly won a huge church in recent months. Pastor Todd’s effort and dedication forced him to add another service to facilitate overflow while maintaining a consistent service. Pastor Michael’s sermons are on the Internet with many links in the church’s catalog.

Pastor Michael Todd Book

Michael Todd is the author of the book Relationship goals; How to win in dating, marriage and sex.

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