Pankaj Kapur House Address, Phone Number, Email Id, Contact Address

Know Actor Pankaj Kapur House Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Contact Address. The personal mobile phone number of the famous Indian actor Pankaj Kapur, his manager's phone number and his secretary phone number, which you will find here. Many people are searching online for the contact address of actor Pankaj Kapur. If you are one of them, then read this full article that covers the actor Pankaj Kapur and all the contact information for this article.

We will share the address of the actor Pankaj Kapur, including his home address, his office address, his email address, his manager number, his phone number of the booking agent, his website and so much more. Looking for people as a question, how to contact Pankaj Kapur for booking, how to contact Pankaj Kapur for a charity and how to contact Pankaj Kapur for a donation. So we shared the actor Pankaj Kapur with the coordinates listed below.

Pankaj Kapur House Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Contact Address

Address of the houseYari Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone numberNot known
Email IdNot known
WebsiteNot known
Whatsapp numberNot known

Use these address, phone number and email username to contact the actor Pankaj Kapur.

Actor Pankaj Kapur Management Contact Details

  • Office address: Not known
  • Office number: (Telephone), (fax)
  • Pankaj Kapur Manager Phone Number: Not known
  • Pankaj Kapur booking agent phone number: Not known

Actor Pankaj Kapur Personal information

  • Hometown: Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Current location: Mumbai
  • Address of the house: Yari Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Fan mail address: N / A
  • Pankaj Kapur phone number: (He did not share his personal phone number with anyone for privacy reasons)
  • Pankaj Kapur Whatsapp number: (He did not share his Whatsapp number with anyone for privacy reasons)
  • Pankaj Kapur Email Id: Not known
  • Website of Pankaj Kapur: Not known

To use the addresses and numbers above to contact the actor Pankaj Kapur. But if you have failed with these processes, you can contact him using his official social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Pankaj Kapur Biography

Pankaj Kapur is an Indian actor who made his debut in Indian theater, television and cinema. He has starred in a few Bollywood movies and television series and has become the most acclaimed actor. He is famous for his roles in movies, Raakh, Ek Doctor Ki Mout, Macbeth; Maqbool, these three roles have earned him the National Film Awards. In 2013, Pankaj Kapur appeared in the Bollywood movie Matru Ki Bijlee's Ka Mandola, which was another of her remarkable roles.

Pankaj Kapur appears in two Indian television series. He is famous for his role in the television series "Karamchand", which is a comic series in the detective genre, and his other role in "Office Office," a film about widespread corruption in India.

Pankaj Kapur was born on May 29, 1954 in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. His father is a school principal. He studied engineering at Government College Ludhiana and studied at the National Theater School (NSD) in New Delhi. Pankaj Kapur is married to Neelima Azeem and they divorced, then he is married with actress Supriya Pathak. He has three children, two sons, Sahid Kapoor and Ruhaan Kapoor and his daughter Sanah Kapoor.

Actor Pankaj Kapur Personal Information

  • Full Name: Pankaj Kapur
  • Birth date: May 29, 1954
  • Place of birth: Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Size: 5 feet 6 inches
  • Weight: 80 kilograms
  • Religion: Hindu
  • Education: Engineer
  • Astrological sign / zodiac sign: Gemini
  • Occupation / Occupation: Actor and director

Actor Pankaj Kapur Family

  • Name of the Father: Not known
  • Name of the mother: Not known
  • Brother: Not known
  • Sister: Not known
  • Name of wife: Neelima Azeem (Divorced), Supriya Pathak (Actress)
  • children: Sanah Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor (actor) and Ruhaan Kapoor

There are several ways to contact Pankaj Kapur. In fact, it's not easy to contact celebrities because of their busy schedules, but if you try again and again, I'm sure you'll contact your favorite superstar. Do not worry, we do not share the contact address of the actor Pankaj Kapur with the help of this information, you can directly meet or talk with his director, his personal secretary, the agents booking, social networking pages, etc.

Pankaj Kapur Social Media Accounts Links

  • Pankaj Kapur on Facebook: Not known
  • Pankaj Kapur on Twitter: Not known
  • Pankaj Kapur on Instagram: Not known
  • Pankaj Kapur on YouTube: Not known

I hope you will contact the actor Pankaj Kapur successfully. Send him your messages, best wishes or any kind of help note via the address above or social pages. When you have viewed this article on the address, phone number, e-mail identifier, contact address, social media, etc., the house Pankaj Kapur. If you have a problem, let me know by leaving a quick comment.


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