Marilyn Monroe’s dress may have damage after Kim Kardashian wear, says conservative expert

Marilyn Monroe’s Dress Could Be Damaged After Being Worn By Kim Kardashian, Conservative Expert Says

An expert has dismissed the fact that Kim Kardashian wore Marilyn Monroe’s iconic dress and says she could be seriously harmed.

Kim Kardashian made history at the 2022 MET Gala as the socialite wore the iconic and quirky dress that Marilyn Monroe wore on May 19, 1962 when she sang to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Fans of Kim celebrated that the famous was the one who modeled this historic piece as part of the 60th anniversary of the actress’ death.

However, this action was not to everyone’s taste and it is that the expert Sarah Scaturro, who served as head of the Conservation Laboratory of the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET Museum), affirmed that it was an unethical event. .

Thanks to social media, a message Scaturro posted has gone viral, in which she expresses her anger for violating the preservation of Marinlyn Monroe’s dress.

“I had to pause before posting this, because I’m so angry. #KimKardashian wearing Marilyn Monroe’s historic and iconic dress is unethical,” were the words with which the art expert and preservation began his message.

She noted that when she worked for her at the MET Museum, she used to turn down requests from models and celebrities to wear irreplaceable items.

Kim Kardashian allegedly damaged Marilyn Monroe’s dress

Scaturro assured that these types of clothing should not be used, since they can have irreparable damage, especially due to the time they already have.

“The use of historical clothing ruins it. Period. The embellished silk dress, over 60 years old, will have problems and weak spots within a year,” the expert said.

She said the problem is more serious given that the famous has used various beauty products such as creams, perfumes, makeup or lotions, in addition to walking and climbing stairs with the garment.

Scaturro blamed the MET Museum and Vogue magazine for the action, which she describes as unethical.


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