Iniya Contact Address, Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

Know the actress Iniya contact address, phone number, home address, Email ID details. The personal mobile phone number of the famous Indian actress Iniya, her manager’s phone number and secretary number that you will find here. Many people are looking for Iniya actress contact information online, if you are the same here then this helpful article is for you.

We will share with you all contact information of the actor Iniya, including his home address, his office address, his email address, his manager number, the phone number of the agent of booking, its website and much more.

Many of his fans, promoters, organizers and ordinary people sometimes organize an event and they want to invite him. For this reason, people are looking for and trying to get in touch with Iniya to invite him to this event.

Iniya Contact address, phone number, home address, e-mail ID

Most of the time, people looking for keywords such as, how to contact Iniya agents for bookings, how to contact Iniya for charities and how to contact Iniya for a donation. So we collected the actress Iniya. All verified contact information is listed below.

Iniya Biography & Career

Iniya is an Indian actress, appearing in Malayalam Film Industry. She is very beautiful and the most popular actress works at Malayalam cinema. Iniya started playing with the Malayalam movie “Rain Rain Come Again” as a student.

Alathoorile Ethiri Vettam, Thakkol, Drona, Coffee, Kaalidas, Pottu, Pengalila, Word, Puthan Panam Vaigai Express, Girls, Leela, Karai Oram, Alone, Pulivval, Nugam, Ayaal, Radio Mouna Guru, Vaagai Sooda Vaa, etc. Iniya has received the Edison Award, the Tamil Nadu State Film Award, the Vijay Award, the Filmfare Award, the Kerala Film Critics Association Awards.

Iniya was born on January 22, 1991 in Thruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. She belongs to a Hindu family. She is the daughter of S Salahuddin and Savithri. She has a sister Swathi, who is a Malayalam television actress and a younger brother, Sravan. Iniya is single.

Real name: Iniya

Birth date: January 22, 1991

Place of birth: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

size: 5 feet 8 inches

Father: Salahuddin

Mother: Savithri

Husband: Single

Profession: Actress

There are several ways to contact Iniya. In fact, it’s not easy to contact celebrities because of their busy schedules, but if you try again and again, I’m sure you’ll contact your favorite superstar.

Look also: Huma Qureshi Contact Address

Do not worry, I am with you to solve your problem. You can contact Iniya by meeting directly with her manager, personal secretary, booking agents, social network profiles, etc.

Contact address of Iniya

Check out the actor Iniya checked the contact information below:

Iniya House Address: Trivandrum, Kerala

Iniya phone number: N / A

Iniya Whatsapp number: N / A

Iniya Email ID: [email protected]

Official Iniya Website:

Hometown: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Office address: N / A

Address of the NGO: N / A

contact phone number: N / A

Email of the production house: N / A

Manager’s phone number: N / A

Telephone number of the booking agent: N / A

Hey! you must use the above addresses carefully to get in touch with the Iniya actress. But if you can not contact her with her number and address, you can also contact her using her official social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Iniya Social Media Accounts Links

Iniya on Facebook:

Iniya on Instagram:

Iniya on YouTube: N / A

Iniya on Twitter:

I hope you will contact the actress Iniya successfully. Send him your wishes or any type of message in this way and I hope you will receive very soon comments from him. Good luck!!

As you have checked this article on the Iniya contact address, phone number, home address, email ID, social media and more. If you have a problem, let me know by leaving a quick comment.

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